10 Best Compliment Strategies

Here are some ways to make a compliment . In the end don't forget to keep it simple. 1.Pay her the compliment of really listening...

Here are some ways to make a compliment. In the end don't forget to keep it simple.

1.Pay her the compliment of really listening to what she has to say, thinking about it and offering a genuine response. Pay her the compliment of respecting her for who she is, her thoughts, opinions and interests. Pay her the compliment of supporting her in her goals and dreams. Pay her the compliment of never belittling her feelings or ideas, but instead treating her as an equal.

2.A woman wants a compliment that she knows can only be meant for her and not for any other woman in general.

Don't say, "You're funny." Be specific (which is not the same as being clinical) about what it is about her that makes you laugh. ("I can't help but laugh every time I think of your impression of Betty White," or "That funny dance you do just cracks me up." (be sure that the dance in question was intended to be humorous.)) Don't say "nice hair," tell her what specifically about her hair it is that you love. ("I love that coppery shade of red," or "I can't get over how your hair smells like apple pie!" (mmmm, apple pie, I'm hungry now ...) Compliment her on the smart/funny/brave/kind/wacky way in which she handled a recent situation ("I admire how you stood up for that guy," or "Wow, the look on that woman's face when you asked if she needed some Viagra was priceless!")

In that light, compliment anything about her. But make it about her.

3.As a female friend of mine once told me, "The pretty ones want to be told they're smart, and the smart ones want to be told they're pretty."

4.Compliments mean nothing unless they are genuine and relevant. Telling a girl she's 'smart' when you have no evidence or context is meaningless and comes across as sleazy. Having said that, I have always been flattered (and slightly thrilled) when someone has told me I smell lovely; as in 'are you wearing perfume? You smell delicious"...there's something very intimate and yet polite about that particular approach.

5.From my exprerience & values I can offer two suggestions that could help phrasing Your emotions (NB! I believe that it goes both way for man and women alike):

Be sincere & honest - Everything else is deliberate manipulation, and You don't want it to be a part of a relationship, even if it works here and now

Tell how what she is/does makes you feel - IMHO it is nice to comfirm that someone is beautifu or smart, but for me it is shallow, as it is not personal comment. So, DO say: 'when i hear your voice on the phone, i feel happy' rather than: 'you have an amazing voice'. DO say: 'seeing you waking up next to me in the morning makes me feel that everything is going to be all right' rather than 'your pillow face is cute'

6.You're your own expert in this subject matter. Here's how you could go about utilizing your expertise:

Step 1: You are a person, and a girl is a person. Therefore, if you ask yourself what the best compliment *you* want to hear yourself is, you can create a first pool of data.
Step 2: You know this person. Find out what is important to this person, by listening to them or asking questions about their interests, preferences and lifestyle. Create a second pool of data.
Step 3: Cross-reference the two pools of data.
Step 4: Bingo!

Step 5 (optional): If your first attempt goes badly, request feedback, re-evaluate your data, analyze the mistakes made and apply the relevant corrections to your data pools. Repeat as necessary.

Warning: As no two persons are alike, be they girls, boys, or anything in between, please remember to toss the second pool of data in the garbage bin when you move on to the next person. Otherwise your compliments will be about as palatable as a re-warmed microwave dinner.

7.It has to be sincere, but it IS important to say something complimentary. Actions speak louder than words? Sometimes, perhaps. But language is what makes us human, and the astute, sincere use of language is what strengthens relationships.

8.Any answer or reference that confirms you were listening to something she deemed important.

And "just because" flowers.

9.Tell her if she were a Pokemon you'd choose her! ...believe me, it works.

10.Use one of these often.

"You are absolutely, astoundingly gorgeous and that's the least interesting thing about you."

"You know what? You're the best.

"You're pretty, smart, sexy and you always make me smile, even when you aren't around; all I have to do is think about you and I feel great."

"I wouldn't care if I had nothing else at all in the world as long as I had you in my life."


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TIPS ENCYCLOPEDIA: 10 Best Compliment Strategies
10 Best Compliment Strategies
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